Independent Living or Something Else?AuthorPearson, C.Riddell, S.Williams, V.Year2006Keywordsdifferencedirect paymentsindependent livingpolicystatisticsDownload Independent Living or Something Else? in Adobe PDF [43.16 Kb]
Do Not Attempt Resuscitation Orders in ScotlandAuthorPearson, C.Riddell, S.Watson, NickYear2005KeywordsDisability Rights CommissionhealthpolicypracticeDownload Do Not Attempt Resuscitation Orders in Scotland in Adobe PDF [194.5 Kb]
Disabled Students in Higher Education: A reflection on research strategies and findingsAuthorRiddell, S.Ticklin, T.Wilson, A.Year2004Keywordshigher educationpolicypracticeresearchsupportDownload Disabled Students in Higher Education: A reflection on research strategies and findings in Adobe PDF [169.8 Kb]
Disability in Scotland. A Baseline Study, Executive SummaryAuthorBanks, P.Riddell, S.Year2001KeywordsDisability Rights CommissiondiscriminationpolicyresearchDownload Disability in Scotland. A Baseline Study, Executive Summary in Adobe PDF [104.17 Kb]