Dr Rune Halvorsen joined the CDS as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow, to conduct research on the political rights and participation of disabled people and their organisations in a selection of European countries. The fellowship is based in the School of Sociology and Social Policy. Rune has extensive international experience, especially in research and innovation funded...
For many decades the University of Leeds has played a pioneering role in global disability studies. Its Centre for Disability Studies brings together scholars from a wide range of academic disciplines across the University, from transport studies to social policy, human geography to healthcare, business and law. This multidisciplinary work continues to challenge socially-created barriers...
from : http://www.aboutaccess.co.uk/access-news/enforcement-is-key-on-equality-act/ ‘Enforcement is key on Equality Act’ April 28, 2016 Lawyers, campaigners, peers and academics have spoken of how disabled people can find it almost impossible to enforce their rights to equality, six years after the introduction of the Equality Act. They were speaking at a seminar in London – organised by the...
CDS hosted a seminar on 'Disabled People’s Access to Finance and Control of Money'. Disabled people often face particular problems gaining access to money and exercising freedom in using it. The seminar provided an exchange of recent research and developments regarding: hate crime and financial abuse, gendered financial abuse and plans for the expansion of universal credit, law...
As an initiative of the Latvian Presidency of the EU, high level representatives of the 28 governments of the EU Member States and representatives of disabled people's organisations are meeting in Riga this week to discuss progress on implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) with a focus on...
"Disability Research in Action – Disability Research and Disabled Realities" is a one-day conference of presentations and posters by current PhD and Masters students at the University of Leeds. Emeritus Professor, Dr. Colin Barnes will open the Conference. Thursday 21 May 21, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. Space is limited so please register here in...
As part of the EU Horizon 2020 funding programme there is an opportunity for postdoctoral researchers of any nationality (at any stage in their career) to apply for a Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship to conduct research at a host institution in another country. These competitive fellowship opportunities are 100% funded and include living and mobility...
Updated information is available on EU Member States' reporting to the UN CRPD Committee. With all but three of the 28 (and the EU) having now ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) there is a rapid increase in the published information about national policy developments. Of the 25 Member States due to submit their initial state reports...
The ANED DOTCOM database was updated to reflect policy developments reported in 2014. The database contains information about national laws, policies, strategies and initiatives in 34 EU Member States, Candidate and Associated countries, covering 43 selected policy instruments, organised in eight themes (more than 1,500 records). By selecting combinations of countries and instruments (or themes) you can produce different types of...
Today's third student-led Disability and Human Rights Conference has been organised by Thomas Mtonga and Abraham Mateta, two Open Society Disability Rights Fellows studying for an LLM in the University of Leeds Law School. Other students participating in the conference include Open Society Disability Rights Fellows studying in Cardiff and Galway.