Who is Involved in CDS?
CDS brings together staff and post-graduate researchers with widely varying interests and backgrounds from a number of Schools and Faculties across the University. We also host regular visits by disability studies scholars from around the world.
Menik Budiarti
Doctoral Research Student
Gemma Carr
Doctoral Research Student
Elettra Casellato
Doctoral Research Student
Eleanor Craig
Doctoral Research Student
Nathalie Czeke
Doctoral Research Student
Karen Hardcastle-Rad
Doctoral Research Student
Christian J. Harrison
Doctoral Research Student
Jonathan Hume
Doctoral Research Student
Kharis Hutchison
Doctoral Research Student
Becca Jiggens
Doctoral Research Student
Rados Keravica
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Early-Stage Researcher
Melissa Kirby
Doctoral Research Student
Edmore Masendeke
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Early-Stage Researcher
Joanne McCulloch
Doctoral Research Student
Neko Mellor
Doctoral Research Student
Veronica Montanaro
Doctoral Research Student
Maral Nosratzadeh
Doctoral Research Student
Ali Obaidan
Doctoral Research Student
Peter Ochieng
Doctoral Research Student
Rebecca Porter
Doctoral Research Student
Tomas Puentes Leon
Doctoral Research Student
Burgandi Rakoska
Doctoral Research Student
Amy Redhead
Doctoral Research Student
Inga Reichelt
Doctoral Research Student
Josephine Sirotkin
Doctoral Research Student
Danielle Tomkins
Doctoral Research Student
Kelsey Tredgett
Doctoral Research Student
Sarah Troke
Doctoral Research Student
Yuan Yuan
Doctoral Research Student