Where Can I Go From Here?
There are an enormous number of disability sites. These are just a few of our favourites:
We do not offer a comprehensive disability links service here (and there are many other sites devoted to that task). You will find more specific links included on our research project pages and personal pages.
- The Disability-Research Discussion List, run by CDS in Leeds, is the place to discuss disability research issues with our network of more than a thousand experts from around world (browse, search for key words, or join the list).
- For UK policy developments and disability statistics visit the Government's Disability Unit and the Office for National Statistics
- Catch up with the latest news about UK disability and impairment issues with the BBC news or BBC Ouch.
- For UK disability rights and campaigns, visit Disability Rights UK.
- For the voice of disabled people in Europe, visit the European Disability Forum and European Network on Independent Living.
- For a global view from the disabled peoples' movement, visit International Disability Alliance
- For information about the United Nations Convention and global rights see the pages of the UNCRPD Committee and the UN Special Rapporteur.
- For academic literature and research students have online access to numerous journals, for example:
- International Journal of Disability and Social Justice
- Disability & Society
- Alter: the European Journal of Disability Research
- Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research
- Disability Studies Quarterly
- Review of Disability Studies
- Journal of Disability Policy Studies
- Journal of Literary Disability
- Intersticios