CDS Publications
Centre members produce a wide range of books, research papers and scholarly articles. The work listed here is by no means exhaustive but gives a flavour of the work we have published since the establishment of the Centre.
The Disability Press
From 1995-2013 the Centre for Disability Studies published a number of titles under the Disability Press imprint as an independent publishing house to provide an alternative outlet for work in the field of disability studies on a non-profit basis.
You can read about the Disability Press and access the books that it published here (if this link does not work as yet, please be patient, we are working on it!): PLEASE CLICK
Other publications:
The following publication lists are indicative and draw mainly on refereed journal papers and research monographs.
Example publications since 2017
Lawson, A. and Beckett, A. (2021) The social and human rights models of disability: towards a complementarity thesis, The International Journal of Human Rights, 25:2, 348-379, DOI: 10.1080/13642987.2020.1783533
Beckett, A. E., Encarnação, P., Chiu, C., and Ng, S. T. (2020). Play for disabled Children in Taiwan and Hong Kong: parent perspectives, Journal of Disability Studies in Education, 1-31. DOI:
Hollomotz, A. (2020) Successful Community Resettlement of Men with Learning Disabilities Who Have Completed a Hospital-Based Treatment for Sexual Offending, Oxford University Press on behalf of The British Association of Social Workers, DOI:
Hollomotz, A. and Greenhalgh, J. (2020) A realist analysis of treatment programmes for sex offenders with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, Vol.33 (4), p.729-738, DOI:
Lawson, A. (2020) Disability Law as an Academic Discipline: Towards Cohesion and Mainstreaming? Journal of Law and Society, Volume 47, Issue 4, Pages 558-587, DOI:
Oliver, L. (2020) Generating Interdisciplinary Insights to Regulate for Inclusive Employment, In: Fielden S.L., Moore M.E., Bend G.L. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Disability at Work. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Pollock, A.M., Clements, L. and Harding-Edgar, L. (2020) Covid-19: why we need a national health and social care service, BMJ, 369:m1465, DOI:
Quinn, G., Peisah, C., Israel, D., Dark, M. and Byrnes, A. (2020) Advocacy for the human rights of older people in the COVID pandemic and beyond: a call to mental health professionals, International Psychogeriatrics, 32(10), 1199-1204. DOI:10.1017/S1041610220001076
Waddington L. and Priestley M. (2020) A human rights approach to disability assessment, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, DOI:
Ainscow, M., Slee, R. and Best, M. (2019) Editorial: the Salamanca Statement: 25 years on, International Journal of Inclusive Education, Vol.23 (7-8), p.671-676, DOI:
Clements, L., Woodin, S., McCormack, S. and Tilley, D. (2019) Direct Payments for Disabled Children and Young People and their Families, School of Law, Leeds University and Cerebra
Dyer, J., Sandford, R. and Beckett, A. (2019) Evaluation of the Mixed Ability Sports Development Programme, International Mixed Ability Sports.
Hodkinson, A. and Burch, L. (2019) The 2014 special educational needs and disability code of practice: old ideology into new policy contexts?, Journal of Education Policy, 34:2, 155-173, DOI: 10.1080/02680939.2017.1412501
Nteropoulou-Nterou, E. and Slee, R. (2019) A critical consideration of the changing conditions of schooling for students with disabilities in Greece and the fragility of international in local contexts, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 23:7-8, 891-907, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2019.1623331
Priestley, M., Waddington, L. and Sainsbury, R. (2019) Disability Assessment in European States ANED Synthesis Report, SSRN, DOI:
Slee, R. (2019) Belonging in an age of exclusion, International Journal of Inclusive Education, Vol.23 (9), p.909-922, DOI:
Slee, R., Corcoran, T. and Best, M. (2019). Disability Studies in Education – Building Platforms to Reclaim Disability and Recognise Disablement, Journal of Disability Studies in Education, 1-11. DOI:
Burch, L. (2018) ‘You are a parasite on the productive classes’: online disablist hate speech in austere times, Disability & Society, 33:3, 392-415, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2017.1411250
Burch, L. (2018) Governmentality of adulthood: a critical discourse analysis of the 2014 Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice, Disability & Society, 33:1, 94-114, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2017.1383231
Clements, L., Beresford, P. and Slasberg, C. (2018) From dementia tax to a solution for social care, Soundings, Number 68, Spring 2018, DOI:
Hollomotz, A. (2018) Successful interviews with people with intellectual disability, Qualitative Research, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, page(s): 153-170, DOI:
Manzano, A. et al (2018) Understanding treatment decisions from the perspective of people with relapsing remitting multiple Sclerosis: A critical interpretive synthesis, Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, DOI:
Slee, R. (2018) Defining the scope of inclusive education, Thinkpiece prepared for the 2020 Global Education Monitoring Report.
Slee, R. (2018) Inclusive education isn't dead, it just smells funny, Routledge Focus.
Slee, R. (2018). " Setting the Scene for People with Disability to Experience University Life". In: People with Intellectual Disability Experiencing University Life. The Netherlands: Brill | Sense. DOI:
Swanwick, R, Elmore, J. and Salter, J. (2018) Roma families and deaf children, University of Leeds.
Waddington, L., and Lawson, A. (2018). The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in practice a comparative analysis of the role of courts (First edition.). Oxford University Press.
Barron, C., Beckett, A., Coussens, M., Desoete, A., Jones, N. C., Lynch, H., Prellwitz, M. and Salkeld, D. F. (2017) Barriers to Play and Recreation for Children and Young People with Disabilities, Poland: De Gruyter Open Poland, DOI:
Burch, L. (2017)“Theorising Normalcy and the Mundane,” Manchester Metropolitan University, Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies, 11, (3), 357–363, DOI:
Burch, L. (2017) A world without Down’s syndrome? Online resistance on Twitter: #worldwithoutdowns and #justaboutcoping, Disability & Society, 32:7, 1085-1089, DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2017.1330453
Clements L (2017) Community Care & the Law, London, Legal Action Group.
Kuznetsova Y, Yalcin B, and Priestley M. (2017) ‘Labour Market Integration and Equality for Disabled People: A Comparative Analysis of Nordic and Baltic Countries’, Social Policy and Administration, 51.4, 577-597, DOI: 10.1111/spol.12314, Repository URL:
Löve, L., Traustadóttir, R., Quinn, G. and Rice, J. (2017) The Inclusion of the Lived Experience of Disability in Policymaking, Laws, Vol.6 (4), p.33, DOI:
O'Mahony, C. and Quinn, G. (2017) Disability Law and Policy: An Analysis of the UN Convention. Clarus Press.
Priestley, M., Kuznetsova, Y. and Yalcin, B. (2017) Labour Market Integration and Equality for Disabled People: A Comparative Analysis of Nordic and Baltic Countries, Social Policy Administration, DOI:
Salter, J., Swanwick, R. and Pearson, S. (2017) Collaborative working practices in inclusive mainstream deaf education settings: teaching assistant perspectives, Deafness & Education International, 19:1, 40-49, DOI: 10.1080/14643154.2017.1301693
Scholz, F., Yalcin, B. and Priestley, M. (2017) Internet access for disabled people: Understanding socio-relational factors in Europe, Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 11(1), article 4. DOI: 10.5817/CP2017-1-4
Swanwick, R. (2017) Languages and languaging in deaf education a framework for pedagogy, Oxford University Press.
Swanwick, R. (2017) Translanguaging, learning and teaching in deaf education, International Journal of Multilingualism, Volume 14, Issue 3, DOI:
Example publications since 2010
Clements. L. and Broach, S. (2016) Disabled Children: A Legal Handbook 3rd edition, Council for Disabled Children.
de Beco, ‘Transition to Inclusive Education Systems According to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’, (2016) 34 (1) Nordic Journal of Human Rights 40-59.
DOI: 10.1080/18918131.2016.1153183
de Beco, G. ‘Is Obesity a disability? The Definition of Disability by the Court of Justice of the European Union and its Consequences for the Application of EU Anti-Discrimination Law’, (2016) 22 (2) Columbia Journal of European Law 381-401.
Priestley, M., Stickings, M., Loja, E., Grammenos, S., Lawson, A., Waddington, L. and Fridriksdottir, B. (2016) The political participation of disabled people in Europe: Rights, accessibility and activism, Electoral Studies, Volume 42, Pages 1-9, DOI:
Sivan M; Gallagher J; Holt R; Weightman A; O Connor R; Levesley M (2016) Employing the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health framework to capture user feedback in the design and testing stage of development of home-based arm rehabilitation technology, Assistive Technology, 28 (3), pp. 175-182.
DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2016.1140689
Swanwick, R., Wright, S. and Salter, J. (2016) Investigating deaf children’s plural and diverse use of sign and spoken languages in a super diverse context, De Gruyter, DOI:
Beckett A. and Campbell T. (2015) ‘The social model of disability as an oppositional device’, Disability & Society, 30.2, 270-283, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2014.999912, Repository URL:
Hollomotz A (2014) Sex offenders with intellectual disabilities and their academic observers: Popular methodologies and research interests, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 58.2: 189-197
Beckett AE (2013) Anti-oppressive pedagogy and disability: possibilities and challenges, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research: 1-19.
Beckett AE (2013) Non-disabled children’s ideas about disability and disabled people, British Journal of Sociology of Education.
Campbell, T. (2013) Dyslexia: the government of reading, Basingstoke: Macmillan.
Lawson A & Priestley M (2013) Potential, principle and pragmatism in concurrent multi-national monitoring: disability rights in the European Union, The International Journal of Human Rights. 17.7-8: 739-757.
Matsui, A., Nagase, O., Sheldon, A., Goodley, D., Sawada, Y. and Kawashima, S. (2012) Creating a Society for All: Disability and Economy.
Barnes, C. (2012) Re-thinking Disability, Work and Welfare, Sociology Compass, 6 (6) 458-471.
Beckett, A. and Buckner, L. (2012) Promoting positive attitudes towards disabled people: definition of, rationale and prospects for anti-disablist education, British Journal of Sociology of Education. 33.6: 873-891.
Hollomotz, A. (2012) Disability, Oppression and Violence: Towards a Sociological Explanation, Sociology, 23: 1-17.
Hollomotz, A. (2012) Sex offenders with intellectual disabilities and their academic observers: Popular methodologies and research interests, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 58(2): 1-9.
Oliver, M. and Barnes, C. (2012) The New Politics of Disablement, Palgrave Macmillan.
Roulstone, A. and Williams, J. (2012) ‘Being Disabled, Being a Manager: ‘Glass Partitions’ and Conditional identities in the Contemporary Workplace’. Disability & Society.
Roulstone, A. and Prideaux, S. (2012) Understanding Disability Policy, Bristol: Policy Press.
Roulstone, A., Harrington, B & Hwang, S.K (2012) Flexible and Personalised? An Evaluation of a UK Tailored Employment Support Programme for Jobseekers with Enduring Mental Health Problems and Learning Difficulties, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research.
Allsop, M., Gallagher, J., Holt, R., Bhakta, B. and Wilkie R. (2011) Involving children in the development of assistive technology devices, Disability Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology, 6(2): 148-156.
Barnes, C. (2011) Understanding Disability and the Importance of Design for All. Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, 1(1), 54-79.
Hemingway, L. (2011) Disabled People and Housing: Choices, Opportunities and Barriers, Bristol, Policy Press.
Hollomotz A (2011) Learning Difficulties and Sexual Vulnerability. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Murray, S. (2011) Autism, London, Routledge.
Schiek, D. and Lawson, A. (2011) European Union Non-Discrimination Law and Intersectionality: investigating the triangle of racial, gender and disability discrimination, Ashgate Publishers.
Shah, S. and Priestley, M. (2011) Disability and Social Change: private lives and public policies, Bristol: Policy Press.
Allsop, M., Holt, R., Levesley, M., Bhakta, B. (2010) The engagement of children with disabilities in health-related technology design processes: identifying methodology, Disability and Rehabilitation - Assistive Technology, 5(1): 1-13.
Barnes C. (2010) Disability in a Majority World Context: a materialist account, International Journal of Disability Studies, 4(1-2): 7-30.
Barnes, C. (2010) A Brief History of Discrimination and Disabled People, in L.J. Davis, (ed.), The Disability Studies Reader: Third Edition. London: Routledge, pp. 20-32.
Barnes, C. and Sheldon A. (2010) Disability, Politics and Poverty in a majority World Context, Disability & Society, 25 (7) 771 –782.
Barnes, C. and Mercer, G. (2010) Exploring Disability: a sociological introduction [Second Edition], Cambridge, Polity.
Barnes, C., Mercer, G., and Shakespeare, T. (2010) The Social Model of Disability. In A. Giddens, & P. W. Sutton (Eds.), Sociology: Introductory Readings (3rd ed., pp. 161-167). Cambridge: Polity.
Beckett, A., Ellison, N., Barrett, S. and Shah, S. (2010) Away with the Fairies? Disability within primary-age children's literature, Disability and Society, 25 (3): 373-386.
Edwards, J. and Boxal, K. (2010) Adults with cystic fibrosis and barriers to employment, Disability & Society, 25(4): 441-453.
Oliver, M., and Barnes, C. (2010). Disability Studies: Disabled people and the struggle for inclusion. British Journal of the Sociology of Education, 31(5), 547-560.
Priestley, M., Waddington, L. and Bessozi, C. (2010) New priorities for disability research in Europe:Towards a user-led agenda, ALTER, Revue européenne de recherche sur le handicap, 4(4).
Priestley, M., Waddington, L. and Bessozi, C. (2010) Towards an agenda for disability research in Europe: learning from disabled people's organisations, Disability & Society, 25(6): 731-746.
Swanwick, R. (2010) Policy and practice in sign bilingual education: development, challenges and directions, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13(2): 147-158.
Example publications from 2000-2009
Beckett, A.E. (2009) Challenging disabling attitudes, building an inclusive society: considering the role of education in encouraging non-disabled children to develop positive attitudes towards disabled people, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 30:3: 317-329.
Gyimah, E., Sugden, D. and Pearson, S. (2009) Inclusion of children with special educational needs in mainstream schools in Ghana: influence of teachers' and children's characteristics, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 13 (8): 787 -804.
Morrall, P. (2009) Sociology and Health: an introduction [second edition], London, Routledge.
Oliver, M., and Barnes, C. (2009) Disabling or Enabling Welfare: What Next for Disabled People. In M. Oliver (Ed.), Understanding Disability (Second ed., pp. 119-133). Tavistock: Palgrave.
Pearson, S (2009) Using Activity Theory to understand prospective teachers' attitudes to and construction of special educational needs and/or disabilities, Teaching and Teacher Education, 25: 559-568.
Prideaux S., Roulstone, A., Harris, J. and Barnes, C. (2009) Disabled People and Self Directed Support Schemes: Re-Conceptualising Work and Welfare in the 21st Century, Disability & Society, 24(5): 557-569
Prideaux, S. and Roulstone, A. (2009) Good practice for providing disabled people with reasonable access: a comparative study of legislative provision, International Journal of Law in the Built Environment, 1(1): 59-81.
Priestley, M., Riddell, S., Jolly, D., Pearson, C., Williams, V., Barnes, C. and Mercer, G. (2009) Cultures of welfare at the frontline: implementing direct payments for disabled people in the UK, Policy & Politics.
Shah, S. and Priestley, M. (2009) Home and away: the changing impact of educational policies on disabled children’s experiences of family and friendship, Research Papers in Education, 1470-1146 (published online).
Sheldon, A. (2009) Recession, radicalism and the road to recovery?, Disability & Society, 24(5): 667-671.
Valentine, G. and Skelton, T. (2009) An umbilical cord to the world: the role of the internet in D/deaf people’s information and communication practices, Information, Communication and Society, 12: 44-65.
Barnes, C. (2008) Generating Change: Disability Culture and Art. Behinderung und Dritte Welt - Journal for Disability and International Development, 19(1/2008):4-13.
Hollomotz, A. and The Speakup Committee (2008) ‘May we please have sex tonight?’ – people with learning difficulties pursuing privacy in residential group settings, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, (online access).
Lawson, A. (2008) Disability and Equality Law in Britain: The Role of Reasonable Adjustment, Hart Publishing.
Lawson, A. (2008) People with Psychosocial Impairments or Conditions, Reasonable Accommodation and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Law in Context, 26: 62-84.
Murray, S. (2008) Representing Autism: culture, narrative, fascination, Liverpool University Press.
Roulstone, A. and Prideaux, S. (2008) More policies, greater inclusion? Exploring the contradictions of New Labour inclusive education policy, International Studies in Sociology of Education, 18(1): 15-29.
Shah, S. (2008) Young Disabled People: Aspirations, Choices and Constraints, Ashgate Publishers.
Watson, L . and Swanwick, R. (2008) Parents' and Teachers' Views on Deaf Children's Literacy at Home: Do they agree?, Deafness and Education International, 10 (1): 22-39.
Barnes, C. (2007) Disability Activism and the Price of Success: a British Experience, Intersticios: Revista Sociologica de Pensamiento Critico, 1(2): 15-29.
Barnes, C. (2007) Disability Activism and the Struggle for Change: Disability, policy and politics in the UK, Education Citizenship and Social Justice, 2(3): 203-221.
Barnes, C. (2007) Disability Studies: What's the Point?, Intersticios: Revista Sociologica de Pensamiento Critico, 1(1).
Barnes, C. (2007) Disability, higher education and the inclusive society, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 28(1): 135-145.
Hollomotz, A. (2007) Beyond ‘Vulnerability’: An Ecological Model Approach to Conceptualizing Risk of Sexual Violence against People with Learning Difficulties, British Journal of Social Work, (online access).
Holt, R.J.; Weightman A.P.H.; Allsop, M.J.; Levesley, M.C.; Preston N.J.; Bhakta, B. (2007) Engaging Children in the Design of a Rehabilitative Game Interface, DOI:
Lawson, A. (2007) The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: New Era or False Dawn? Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce, 34(2): 101-158.
Priestley, M. (2007) In search of European disability policy: Between national and global, ALTER, Revue européenne de recherche sur le handicap, 1(1): 61-74.
Sanders, T. (2007) The politics of sexual citizenship: commercial sex and disability, Disability & Society, 22(5): 439-455.
Shah, S. (2007) Special or mainstream? The views of disabled students, Research Papers in Education, 22(4): 425-442.
Swanwick, R. and Watson, L. (2007) Parents sharing books with young deaf children in spoken English and in BSL: The common and diverse features of different language settings, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 12(3): 385 - 405.
Barker, C. (2006) From Narrative Prosthesis to Disability Counternarrative: Reading the Politics of Difference in Potiki and the bone people, Journal of New Zealand Literature, 24(1): 130-47.
Beckett, A. (2006) Citizenship and Vulnerability: disability and issues of social and political engagement, Palgrave Macmillan.
Beckett, A. (2006) Understanding Social Movements: theorising the disability movement in conditions of late modernity, The Sociological Review, 54(4): 734-752.
Bryant, L., Green, J. and Hewison, J. (2006) Understandings of Down’s syndrome: a Q methodological investigation, Social Science and Medicine, 63: 1188-1200.
Hemingway, L. and Priestley, M. (2006) Natural hazards, human vulnerability and disabling societies: a disaster for disabled people? Review of Disability Studies, 2(3): 57-67
Isherwood, T. (2006) A qualitative analysis of the ‘management of schizophrenia’ within a medium secure service for men with learning disabilities. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 13: 148-156.
Murray, S.F. (2006) Autism and the Contemporary Sentimental: Fiction and the Narrative Fascination of the Present, Literature and Medicine, 25(1), 24-45.
Priestley, M. and Hemingway, L. (2006) Disabled People and Disaster Recovery: a tale of two cities? Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation, 5(3/4): 23-42.
Priestley, M., Jolly, D., Pearson, C., Riddell, S., Barnes, C. and Mercer, G. (2006/7) Direct payments and disabled people in the UK: supply, demand and devolution, British Journal of Social Work, 37(7): 1189-1204.
Barnes, C. (2005) Independent Living, Politics and Policy in the United Kingdom: A Social Model Account', Review of Disability Studies, 1(4): 5-13.
Barnes, C. and Mercer, G. (2005) Disability, Work and Welfare: challenging the social exclusion of disabled people, Work Employment and Society, 19(3): 527- 545.
Bryant, L., Hewison, J and Green, J. (2005). Attitudes towards prenatal diagnosis and termination in women who have a sibling with Down’s syndrome, Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 23: 179-196.
Chamberlain M.; Kent, R. (2005) The needs of young people with disabilities in transition from paediatric to adult services. Europa Medicophysica, 41, pp.111-23.
Hussain, Y. (2005) South Asian disabled women: negotiating identities. The Sociological Review, 53(3): 522-538.
Lawson, A. (2005) The EU Rights Based Approach to Disability: Strategies for Shaping an Inclusive Society, International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 6: 269-287.
Lawson, A. and Gooding, C. (eds) (2005) Disability Rights in Europe: From Theory to Practice, Oxford, Hart Publishing.
Pearson, S. (2005) 'SEN - a politically correct phrase to replace terms such as disabled?' A study of the views of students entering a secondary PGCE course, Support for Learning, 20(1), 17-21.
Roulstone, A. and Barnes, C. (2005) Working Futures: Disabled People, Policy and Social Inclusion, Bristol, Policy Press.
Swanwick, R. and Watson, L. (2005) Literacy in the homes of young deaf children: common and distinct features of spoken language and sign bilingual environments, Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 5(1): 53 - 78.
Harrison, M.L. (2004) Defining housing quality and environment: disability, standards and social factors. Housing Studies, 19(5): 691-708.
Karafistan, R. (2004) Being a Shyster: Re-visioning the Actor with Learning Disabilities. New Theatre Quarterly, XX: 265-279.
Morrall P. and Hazelton M. (eds) (2004) Mental Health: Global Policies and Human Rights. London: Whurr.
Swanwick, R., Oddy, A. and Roper, T. (2004) Mathematics and Deaf Pupils: An exploration of barriers to success, Deafness and Education International, 7(1), 1- 22.
Wilde, A. (2004) Disabling masculinity: the isolation of a captive audience, Disability & Society, 19(4): 355-370.
Barnes, C. (2003) Rehabilitation for Disabled People: A Sick Joke?, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 5(1): 7-24.
Barnes, C. (2003) What a Difference a Decade Makes: Reflections on Doing Emancipatory Disability Research, Disability & Society, 18(1): 3-17.
Barnes, C. and Mercer, G. (2003) Disability (key concepts), Polity Press.
Blair, A. and Lawson, A. (2003) Disability Discrimination Reforms in Education: Could do Better?, Child and Family Law Quarterly, 15: 41-55.
Hussain, Y. (2003) Transitions into Adulthood: Disability, Ethnicity and Gender among British South Asians. Disability Studies Quarterly, 23(2): 100-112.
Jolly, D. (2003) The Government of Disability: economics and power in welfare and work, Disability & Society, 18(4): 509-522.
Mir, G. and Tovey, P. (2003) Asian Carers' Experiences of Medical and Social Care: The Case of Cerebral Palsy, British Journal of Social Work, 33, 465-479.
Priestley, M. (2003) Disability: a life course approach, Polity Press.
Priestley, M., Rabiee, P. and Harris, J. (2003) Young Disabled People and the 'New Arrangements' for Leaving Care in England and Wales, Children and Youth Services Review, 25(11): 863-890.
Valentine, G. (2003) In pursuit of social justice: ethics and emotions in geographies of health and disability, Progress in Human Geography, 27(3): 375-380.
Barnes, C. (2002) Disability, Policy and Politics, Policy and Politics, 35(3).
Barnes, C. (2002) Emancipatory Disability Research: Project or Process?, Journal of Research on Special Educational Needs, 1(2).
Barnes, C., Oliver, M. and Barton, L. (eds) 2002) Disability Studies Today, Polity Press.
Baylies, C.L. (2002) Disability and the notion of human development: questions of rights and capabilities. Disability and Society, 17(7): 725-740.
Hussain, Y., Atkin, K., Ahmad, W. (2002) South Asian Disabled Young People and Their Families. Bristol: Policy Press.
Kerr, E.A. and Shakespeare, T. (2002) Genetic politics: from eugenics to genome, New Clarion Press.
Matthews, B. (2002) The Disability Discrimination Act & developments in accessible public transport in the U.K., World Transport Policy & Practice, 8(2): 42-49.
Mir, G. and Nocon, A. (2002) Partnerships, Advocacy and Independence: Service Principles and the Empowerment of Minority Ethnic People, Journal of Learning Disabilities, 6(1): 153-162.
Morrall, P. and Muir-Cochrane, E. (2002) Naked Social Control: Seclusion and Psychiatric Nursing in Post-Liberal Society. Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health, 1 (2), 1-12.
Priestley, M. (2002) Whose Voices? Representing the claims of older and disabled people, Policy and Politics, 30(3): 361-372.
Priestley, M. and Rabiee, P. (2002) Hopes and fears: stakeholder views on the transfer of special school resources towards inclusion, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 6(4): 371-390.
Priestley, M. and Rabiee, P. (2002) Same difference?: older people’s organisations and disability issues, Disability & Society, 17(6).
Whittle, R. (2002) The Framework Directive for equal treatment in employment and occupation: an analysis from a disability rights perspective. European Law Review, 27(3): 303-326.
Chappell, A., Goodley, D and Lawthom, R. (2001) Making Connections: the relevance of the social model of disability for people with learning difficulties, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29(2): 45-50.
Davis, C. and Harrison, M. (2001) Housing social policy and difference: disability, ethnicity, gender and housing. The Policy Press, Bristol.
Goodley, D. (2001) Learning Difficulties, the social model of disability and impairment: challenging epistemologies. Disability & Society, 16(2): 207-231.
Goodley, D. and Rapley, M. (2001) How do you Understand Learning Difficulties? towards a social theory of impairment, Mental Retardation, 39(3): 229-232.
Priestley, M. (ed.) (2001) Disability and the Life Course: global perspectives, Cambridge University Press.
Reeve, D. (2000) Oppression Within the Counselling Room, Disability & Society, Vol. 15(4) pp. 669-682.
Goodley, D. (2000) Self-advocacy in the Lives of People with Learning Difficulties: the politics of resilience, Buckingham, Open University Press.
Goodley, D. and Moore, M. (2000) Doing Disability Research: activist lives and the academy, Disability & Society, 15 (6): 861-882.
Jolly, D. (2000) A Critical Evaluation of the Contradictions for Disabled Workers Arising from the Emergence of the Flexible Labour Market in Britain, Disability & Society, Vol. 15(5): 795-810.
Morrall, P.A. (2000) Madness and Murder: Implications for the Psychiatric Disciplines. Whurr Publishing.
Priestley, M. (2000) Adults Only: disability, social policy and the life course, Journal of Social Policy, Vol. 29(3): 421-439.
Vernon, A. and Qureshi, H. (2000) Community care and independence: self-sufficiency or empowerment?, Critical Social Policy, 20(2): 255-276.
Example publications from 1990-1999
Barnes, C., Mercer, G. and Shakespeare, T. (1999) Exploring Disability: a sociological introduction, London, Polity Press.
Priestley, M. (1999) Disability Politics and Community Care, London: Jessica Kingsley.
Priestley, M., Corker, M. and Watson, N. (1999) Unfinished Business: disabled children and disability identity, Disability Studies Quarterly, 19(2): 87-98.
Sheldon, A. (1999) Personal and Perplexing: feminist disability politics evaluated, Disability & Society, Vol. 14(5): 645-659.
Morrall, P.A. (1998) Mental Health Nursing and Social Control. Whurr.
Oliver, M. and Barnes, C. (1998) Disabled People and Social Policy: From Exclusion to Inclusion, Harlow, Longman.
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