The Disability Archive
Showing titles tagged with the keyword services
Results 1 to 20 of 134
An examination of the ‘personalisation’ of social care services as a response to the needs of older disabled people in the UK
“I am really fearful of what is going to happen to me in the near future.”: The impact on disabled people of cuts and changes in benefits and services.
An investigation into how disability officers in higher education in Ireland act as advocates, and managing in the era of cutbacks, how reduced funding levels have affected their role.
From custody to community- Are people with mental health issues in the criminal justice system receiving the best possible service in Northern Ireland? An exploration into the working relationship between the Police Service of Northern Ireland and mental
The important of interaction between people with and without learning disabilities
The Impact of Government Policies on Disabled People 2nd Draft
Download The Impact of Government Policies on Disabled People 2nd Draft in Adobe PDF [112.65 Kb]
Disabled Asylum Seekers: The Social Model of Disability and United Kingdom's Government Policy and Legislation
Download Disabled Asylum Seekers: The Social Model of Disability and United Kingdom's Government Policy and Legislation in Adobe PDF [535.21 Kb] Download Disabled Asylum Seekers: The Social Model of Disability and United Kingdom's Government Policy and Legislation in Microsoft Word [514.5 Kb]
Disability, Displacement and Public Health: A vision for Haiti
Download Disability, Displacement and Public Health: A vision for Haiti in Adobe PDF [117.84 Kb] Download Disability, Displacement and Public Health: A vision for Haiti in Microsoft Word [130.93 Kb]
Disability, Reasonable Adjustments and Austerity
Download Disability, Reasonable Adjustments and Austerity in Adobe PDF [126.1 Kb]
The Cost of 'Social Care': eight things disabled people should know about the Dilnot report
The Billion Pound Welfare Reform Fraud: fit for work?
Download The Billion Pound Welfare Reform Fraud: fit for work? in Adobe PDF [76.73 Kb]
Exploring Quality of Life Changes and the Impact of a Discharge Project for People with Learning Difficulties Now Living in the Community: A second evaluation
An Investigation into the Additional Living Costs of Disabled People: Implications for Independent Living in Cork, Ireland
Lifting the Lid on Disabled People Against Cuts
Download Lifting the Lid on Disabled People Against Cuts in Adobe PDF [95.95 Kb]
The Protection of Children with Disabilities in Italy after the UN Convention
What should disabled people ask in the election
Download What should disabled people ask in the election in Adobe PDF [38.39 Kb]
Women with Physical Impairments and Mental Distress
Download Women with Physical Impairments and Mental Distress in Adobe PDF [2.68 Mb]