The Disability Archive
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Facing Our Future: Experts Seminar on Independent Living and Direct Payments
Faith and Disability: Comfort, Confusion or Conflict? How does the adoption of Christian faith influence the lives of people who identify as ‘disabled’ in Britain in the 21st Century?
Download Faith and Disability: Comfort, Confusion or Conflict? How does the adoption of Christian faith influence the lives of people who identify as ‘disabled’ in Britain in the 21st Century? in Adobe PDF [853.32 Kb] Download Faith and Disability: Comfort, Confusion or Conflict? How does the adoption of Christian faith influence the lives of people who identify as ‘disabled’ in Britain in the 21st Century? in Microsoft Word [271 Kb]
Feminism, Gender and Disability
Download Feminism, Gender and Disability in Adobe PDF [57.96 Kb]
Fighting for a slice, or for a bigger cake?
Download Fighting for a slice, or for a bigger cake? in Adobe PDF [46.51 Kb]
Fighting Two Different Battles: unity is preferable to enmity
Download Fighting Two Different Battles: unity is preferable to enmity in Adobe PDF [39.46 Kb]
Finally Included on the Development Agenda? A review of official disability and development policies
Findings: Social Relationships and Disabled People; The impact of direct payments
Flexible and Responsive Research: Developing rights based disability research methodology in collaboration with young adults who have Down Syndrome
Flying Elephants and the Honours System
Download Flying Elephants and the Honours System in Adobe PDF [17.37 Kb]
Food for Thought, The carers movement: DANGERS AHEAD?
Download Food for Thought, The carers movement: DANGERS AHEAD? in Adobe PDF [20.43 Kb]
For Inclusion: Towards a critical pedagogy with marginalised learners
Foreward and Introduction: Stigma: The Experience of Disability
Download Foreward and Introduction: Stigma: The Experience of Disability in Adobe PDF [24.38 Kb]
Foreward to Bureaucratic barriers to normal day-to-day activities
Download Foreward to Bureaucratic barriers to normal day-to-day activities in Adobe PDF [265.3 Kb]
Forward to Square One: Prepared as a contribution for a book concerned with the history of Jews in Natal, South Africa during the apartheid period (undated)
Friendships – Understandings and Misunderstandings. Is there scope for the discovery of commonality and the development of mutual respect between disabled and non-disabled children and young people?
From blindness to visual impairment: terminological typology and the social model of disability
From British Welfare Sa
From Commodification to Communication: the role of people with disabilities in the development of social services
From Critique to Practice: emancipatory disability research
Download From Critique to Practice: emancipatory disability research in Adobe PDF [66.33 Kb]