How Disabled People are Excluded from Independent LivingAuthorEvans, JohnYear2002Keywordscampaigncitizenshipexclusionindependent livingpoliticsDownload How Disabled People are Excluded from Independent Living in Adobe PDF [37.68 Kb]
How Long Must We Wait?: unmet promises of disability law and policyAuthorOliver, MikeOmansksy Gordon, B.Year2000KeywordsattitudesbarriersdiscriminationlegislationtransportDownload How Long Must We Wait?: unmet promises of disability law and policy in Adobe PDF [44.95 Kb]
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Human rights and disabled people: Why anti-discrimination legislation is essentialAuthorBritish Council of Disabled PeopleYear1991Download Human rights and disabled people: Why anti-discrimination legislation is essential in Adobe PDF [110.09 Kb] Download Human rights and disabled people: Why anti-discrimination legislation is essential in Microsoft Word [403 Kb]
Human Rights are For Everyone; gender, disability and asylum – working together effectivelyAuthorDaley, M.Jolly, DebbieParker, L.Year2010KeywordscampaigngenderpoliticsrightsservicesDownload Human Rights are For Everyone; gender, disability and asylum – working together effectively in Adobe PDF [295.15 Kb]
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