A disabled persons perspective on euthanasiaAuthorDavis, AlisonYear1998Download A disabled persons perspective on euthanasia in Adobe PDF [65.68 Kb]
Citizenship, self-determination and political action: the forging of a political movementAuthorMorris, JennyYear1998Keywordscampaigncitizenshipindependent livingpoliticssocial modelDownload Citizenship, self-determination and political action: the forging of a political movement in Adobe PDF [51.57 Kb]
Disability Research: Politics, Policy and PraxisAuthorOliver, MikeYear1998KeywordscontrolpoliticsrelationsresearchtheoryDownload Disability Research: Politics, Policy and Praxis in Adobe PDF [54.85 Kb]
Economic Rationalism: A Tool of Death or the 'New Messiah' II (Revisited)AuthorJackson, RobertWillis, DarrellYear1998KeywordseconomicseugenicspolicyservicestheoryDownload Economic Rationalism: A Tool of Death or the 'New Messiah' II (Revisited) in Adobe PDF [45.98 Kb]
Emancipating Disability StudiesAuthorFinkelstein, VicYear1998Keywordscaredefinitionsdisabling imageryfurther educationtheoryDownload Emancipating Disability Studies in Adobe PDF [94.87 Kb]
Facing Our Future: Experts Seminar on Independent Living and Direct PaymentsAuthorHampshire Centre for Independent LivingYear1998Keywordsdirect paymentsempowermentinclusionindependent livingsupportDownload Facing Our Future: Experts Seminar on Independent Living and Direct Payments in Adobe PDF [187.94 Kb]
Feminism, Gender and DisabilityAuthorMorris, JennyYear1998KeywordsexperiencefeminismgenderimpairmentpoliticsDownload Feminism, Gender and Disability in Adobe PDF [57.96 Kb]
Food for Thought, The carers movement: DANGERS AHEAD?AuthorRock, PatriciaYear1998Keywordscarechildhoodhelper/helpedimageryrelationshipsDownload Food for Thought, The carers movement: DANGERS AHEAD? in Adobe PDF [20.43 Kb]
Ian Stanton: an obituaryAuthorShakespeare, TomYear1998KeywordscampaigncultureorganisationsrelationshipstelevisionDownload Ian Stanton: an obituary in Adobe PDF [17.81 Kb]
Public Research, Private Concerns: Research into the lives of people with learning difficultiesAuthorSwain, JohnYear1998KeywordsabusebiographycontrolrelationshipsresearchDownload Public Research, Private Concerns: Research into the lives of people with learning difficulties in Adobe PDF [91.64 Kb]
Re-thinking Care in a Society Providing Equal Opportunities For AllAuthorFinkelstein, VicYear1998Keywordscarecommunity careindependent livingservicessupportDownload Re-thinking Care in a Society Providing Equal Opportunities For All in Adobe PDF [116.38 Kb]
The Snowdon SurveyAuthorBarnes, ColinMercer, GeofStone, EmmaYear1998Download The Snowdon Survey in Adobe PDF [268.15 Kb]
Vic Finkelsteins Sixieth PartyAuthorFinkelstein, VicYear1998KeywordscampaigncultureempowermentorganisationsviolenceDownload Vic Finkelsteins Sixieth Party in Adobe PDF [43.63 Kb]