CDS Postgraduate Conference 2023
“Academia, activism, and applicability”
Saturday 21st October 2023, 09:30 - 17:00 BST
We are delighted to announce that our Postgraduate Researchers at the Centre for Disability Studies will be hosting a hybrid conference on Saturday 21st October 2023. This will take place both on Zoom and at the University of Leeds campus in Michael Sadler LG.15 and LG.16. The conference will run from 9:30 to 17:00 before concluding with a post-conference social.
This conference will focus on the intersectional nature of academia and activism in disability studies, and how activism and academia can inform each other. We intend to provide a supportive space to develop community connections and learn about the exciting work fellow PGRs are producing.
This event is open to PGRs from across the world and tickets are available until Thursday 19th October 2023.
The preliminary programme and book of abstracts are now available to view.
Ticket Information
Important note: it is not possible to type in any access requirements, dietary requirements or allergies when purchasing your ticket. Please send any access requirements (e.g. BSL interpretation), dietary requirements and/or allergies to as soon as possible.
Purchase your ticket for the CDS Postgraduate Conference 2023 | University of Leeds Store
Accessibility Information
This conference is hybrid and will take place on Zoom with automatic captions enabled. Please let us know if you need event information provided in a specific accessible format.
We are requesting that in-person attendees please wear a face mask throughout the event, if this is possible for you, in the interests of reducing the risk of infection within our community. If you would like to wear a face mask, but do not have one, disposable FFP2 masks will be available on the day. Please be aware that it may not be possible for some members of our community to wear a face mask throughout the event.
As masks will be removed by speakers whilst they are presenting and refreshments will be available throughout the day, we will be opening windows for ventilation and encourage you to do a lateral flow test before the event, even if you are feeling well, due to the possibility of asymptomatic spread of infection.
Please do not attend in-person if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or any other infectious illness – if you feel well enough to do so, you are welcome to switch to online attendance.
If you wish to switch from in person to online at any point after purchasing your ticket, you do not need to give a reason, but please email and they will send you the relevant Zoom links.
Online Accessibility
- Zoom links will be sent out prior to the event.
- Automatic captions will be enabled.
- Microphones will be used whilst presenting to improve the accuracy of captions.
If you have any access needs that we need to be made aware of, or any questions, please email Johanna Knebel (she/her) and Leo Woodend (he/him) on as soon as possible.
In Person Accessibility
The University of Leeds has published room information for Michael Sadler LG.15, LG.16 and LG.17 including accessibility directions. Please also be aware that:
- All of the rooms used throughout the day are wheelchair accessible and are accessed via a ramped accessible entrance from outside and an automatic door.
- There will be signage on the day to the accessible entrance and the what3words location is admiral.gentle.river
- LG.15 has dimmable lights whereas in LG.16 and LG.17, the lights can be turned on and off in sections.
- LG.17 will be available to be used as a quiet room throughout the conference.
- There is an accessible toilet and gendered standard toilets on the same floor of the building as the room, through two automatic double doors.
- There are gender-neutral standard toilets on the floor above, accessed via stairs or a lift and through two double doors.
- There is an assistive listening system in the building, which you will need an induction loop to access. If you do not have your own induction loop, it is possible to borrow one, but if this is the case, please email to request it beforehand.
- The light refreshments provided on the day will be coffee, tea, water and cake. There will be vegan and gluten free options. Some products provided will contain nuts. You are welcome to bring your own food/lunch with you or there are food outlets nearby.
If you have any access needs that we need to be made aware of, or any questions, please email Johanna Knebel (she/her) and Leo Woodend (he/him) on as soon as possible.