The Disability Archive
Showing titles tagged with the keyword economics
Results 1 to 20 of 24
“I am really fearful of what is going to happen to me in the near future.”: The impact on disabled people of cuts and changes in benefits and services.
An Investigation into the Additional Living Costs of Disabled People: Implications for Independent Living in Cork, Ireland
The Billion Pound Welfare Reform Fraud: fit for work?
Download The Billion Pound Welfare Reform Fraud: fit for work? in Adobe PDF [76.73 Kb]
Research Paper on Community Living and the Support of Independent Living: Costs and Benefits (undated)
Measurements to Assess Progress in Rights and Livelihood for Persons with Disabilities: Implications drawn from the IDE-PIDS Socio Economic Survey of PWDs
Poverty Reduction for the Disabled in China
Download Poverty Reduction for the Disabled in China in Adobe PDF [623.55 Kb]
Poverty Reduction for the Disabled in the Philippines
Download Poverty Reduction for the Disabled in the Philippines in Adobe PDF [1.06 Mb]
Disability in a Majority World Context: A materialist account
Download Disability in a Majority World Context: A materialist account in Adobe PDF [68.45 Kb]
Completion Report Japan ASEAN Integration Fund Project: 'Capacity Development in Disability and Development for CLMV Government Officers 2007-2010
A summary Critique of the Government Green Paper - Empowering People to Work
Download A summary Critique of the Government Green Paper - Empowering People to Work in Adobe PDF [15.76 Kb] Download A summary Critique of the Government Green Paper - Empowering People to Work in Rich Text format [9.61 Kb]
Disability, Poverty and the New Development Agenda
Download Disability, Poverty and the New Development Agenda in Adobe PDF [187.72 Kb]
Barriers to Independent Living: A scoping paper prepared for the Disabilty Rights Commission
Rethinking Care from the Perspective of Disabled People: Report and Recommendations: Appendix 4 (part 3)
Disability Policy and Provision in Jordan: A critical perspective
Download Disability Policy and Provision in Jordan: A critical perspective in Adobe PDF [66.02 Kb]
Economic Rationalism: A Tool of Death or the 'New Messiah' II (Revisited)
Developing an Understanding of Societal Responses to Long-Term Disability
Measuring Disablement in Society - Working Paper 1, Disabled People and Public Transport
Capitalism, Disability and Ideology: A Materialist Critique of the Normalization Principle
Cashing in on Independence
Download Cashing in on Independence in Adobe PDF [758.02 Kb]