The Role of Literature in the Context of DisabilityAuthorRankin, JoannaYear2009Download The Role of Literature in the Context of Disability in Adobe PDF [149.97 Kb] Download The Role of Literature in the Context of Disability in Microsoft Word [103 Kb]
Literary Disability Studies: The Long Awaited ResponseAuthorBolt, DavidYear2007Download Literary Disability Studies: The Long Awaited Response in Adobe PDF [26.03 Kb]
Disability and Communication: Listening is not enoughAuthorFrench, S.Swain, JohnYear2004Download Disability and Communication: Listening is not enough in Adobe PDF [74.85 Kb]
Blindness and the problem of terminologyAuthorBolt, DavidYear2003Download Blindness and the problem of terminology in Adobe PDF [23.09 Kb]
Social work and disabled people: from crafting clients to sustaining citizensAuthorElder-Woodward, JamesYear2002Download Social work and disabled people: from crafting clients to sustaining citizens in Adobe PDF [123 Kb] Download Social work and disabled people: from crafting clients to sustaining citizens in Microsoft Word [104 Kb]
Translating Theory into Practice in a Different Cultural Context: A bilingual approach for deaf children in ChinaAuthorCallaway, AlisonYear1999Download Translating Theory into Practice in a Different Cultural Context: A bilingual approach for deaf children in China in Adobe PDF [82.78 Kb]
Defining Impairment and Disability: issues at stakeAuthorOliver, MikeYear1996Download Defining Impairment and Disability: issues at stake in Adobe PDF [55.02 Kb]
Representing Disability: some questions of phenomenology and politicsAuthorWilliams, GarethYear1996Download Representing Disability: some questions of phenomenology and politics in Adobe PDF [54.01 Kb]
Politics and LanguageAuthorOliver, MikeYear1994Download Politics and Language in Adobe PDF [44.22 Kb]
A Little Anthology of Poetry for Delectation and Instruction of My Lord GowrieAuthorSutherland, AllanYear1994Download A Little Anthology of Poetry for Delectation and Instruction of My Lord Gowrie in Adobe PDF [40.17 Kb]
Crime Against People with Learning DifficultiesAuthorNorah Fry Research CentreYear1993Download Crime Against People with Learning Difficulties in Adobe PDF [118.67 Kb]
Disabled People in Britain and discrimination: A case for anti-discrimination legislation. Chapter OneAuthorBarnes, ColinYear1991Download Disabled People in Britain and discrimination: A case for anti-discrimination legislation. Chapter One in Adobe PDF [45.04 Kb]
Nice face, shame about the legs...! Confessions of a disabled female stand-up comicAuthorLisicki, WYear1990Download Nice face, shame about the legs...! Confessions of a disabled female stand-up comic in Adobe PDF [17.89 Kb]
The Politics of Disablement ContentsAuthorOliver, MikeYear1990Download The Politics of Disablement Contents in Adobe PDF [35.5 Kb]
Politics and Language: The Need for a New UnderstandingAuthorOliver, MikeYear1989Download Politics and Language: The Need for a New Understanding in Adobe PDF [11.03 Kb]
Disabled We Stand; Appendix 2: Draft Liberation Policy of People with DisabilitiesAuthorSutherland, AllanYear1981
Disabled We Stand; Chapter 6, Stereotypes of DisabilityAuthorSutherland, AllanYear1981Download Disabled We Stand; Chapter 6, Stereotypes of Disability in Adobe PDF [62.26 Kb]