The Disability Archive
Showing titles tagged with the keyword mental health
Results 1 to 20 of 24
From custody to community- Are people with mental health issues in the criminal justice system receiving the best possible service in Northern Ireland? An exploration into the working relationship between the Police Service of Northern Ireland and mental
The Depiction of Mental Illness in Nigerian and Ghanaian movies: A negative or positive impact on mental health awareness in Ghana?
“Us mentals”, Well we all belong in an asylum don’t we? A study of the psycho-emotional disablism faced by mental health system service users
Women with Physical Impairments and Mental Distress
Download Women with Physical Impairments and Mental Distress in Adobe PDF [2.68 Mb]
Cultural Oppression and Emotional Distress: Finding the links
Download Cultural Oppression and Emotional Distress: Finding the links in Adobe PDF [216.55 Kb]
Assaults on the Ivory Tower: Representations of Madness in the Discourse of US School Shootings - Powerpoint presentation
Assaults on the Ivory Tower: Represenations of Madness in the Discourse of US School Shootings
Ruined Lives: Segregation from Society in Argentinas Psychiatric Asylums. A Report on Human Rights and Mental Health in Argentina
Challenging Stigma and Discrimination: The Experience of Mental Health Service Users in Japan
Health Inequalities Experienced by People with Schizophrenia and Manic Depression: Analysis of general practice data in England and Wales
Health Inequalities: Closing the Gap. A formal investigation into physical health inequalities experienced by people with learning difficulties and/or mental health problems
Report of the DRC Formal Inquiry Panel to the DRCs Formal Investigation by People with Learning Difficulties and/or mental health problems
A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions to improve the physical health of people with severe mental health problems
Executive Summary: A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions to improve the physical health of people with severe mental health problems
Equal Treatment: Closing the Gap. Background evidence for the DRCs formal investigation into health inequalities experienced by people with learning disabilities or mental health problems
Executive Summary: A formal investigation into health inequalities experienced by people with learning difficulties and people with mental health problems - Area Studies Report
A formal investigation into health inequalities experienced by people with learning difficulties and people with mental health problems - Area Studies Report
Madness, Distress, Research and a Social Model
Download Madness, Distress, Research and a Social Model in Adobe PDF [84.14 Kb]
Compounding Your Problems: Turning a Person into a Label
Download Compounding Your Problems: Turning a Person into a Label in Adobe PDF [34.35 Kb] Download Compounding Your Problems: Turning a Person into a Label in Microsoft Word [62.5 Kb]