The Disability Archive
Showing titles tagged with the keyword practice
Results 21 to 40 of 42
The Social Model of Disability: Europe and the Majority World - Contents
One World, One People, One Struggle? Towards the global implementation of the Social Model of Disability
Do Not Attempt Resuscitation Orders in Scotland
Download Do Not Attempt Resuscitation Orders in Scotland in Adobe PDF [194.5 Kb]
Disabled People and the European Union: Equal citizens?
Download Disabled People and the European Union: Equal citizens? in Adobe PDF [92.49 Kb]
Personal Assistance Reforms in Sweden: Breaking the assumption of dependency?
We're all Europeans Now? The social model of disability and European social policy
Understanding Impairment and Disability: towards an international perspective
Incoporating the Social Model into Outcome-Focused Social Care Practice
Our Rights, Our Choices: meeting the information needs of black and minority ethnic disabled people, laying the foundations for black and minority ethnic and disability organisations
Disability Policy & Practice: Implementing the Social Model
Download Disability Policy & Practice: Implementing the Social Model in Adobe PDF [33.57 Kb]
Social Model Services: an oxymoron?
Download Social Model Services: an oxymoron? in Adobe PDF [94.72 Kb]
Power, Policy and Provision: Disabling barriers in higher education in Wales
Disabled Students in Higher Education: A reflection on research strategies and findings
The Social Model In Action: If I had a hammer?
Download The Social Model In Action: If I had a hammer? in Adobe PDF [60 Kb]
Collectivising Experience and Rules of Engagement: close(d) encounters in disability research
From Critique to Practice: emancipatory disability research
Download From Critique to Practice: emancipatory disability research in Adobe PDF [66.33 Kb]