Lover or Carer: can you have both?AuthorGreater Manchester Coalition of Disabled PeopleYear1996Download Lover or Carer: can you have both? in Adobe PDF [17.55 Kb]
Setting Future AgendasAuthorFinkelstein, VicYear1992Download Setting Future Agendas in Adobe PDF [37.29 Kb]
Working with Able-bodied PeopleAuthorFinkelstein, VicYear1991Download Working with Able-bodied People in Adobe PDF [22.2 Kb]
Disability Culture: Its a way of lifeAuthorVasey, SianYear1989Download Disability Culture: Its a way of life in Adobe PDF [14.81 Kb]
Research RequirementsAuthorFinkelstein, VicYear1982Download Research Requirements in Adobe PDF [35.83 Kb]
In From the Cold: Issue 1, part 1, pages 1-10AuthorLiberation Network of People with DisabilitiesYear1981Download In From the Cold: Issue 1, part 1, pages 1-10 in Adobe PDF [1.19 Mb]
Disabiliity and the Helper/Helped Relationship. An Historical ViewAuthorFinkelstein, VicYear1981Download Disabiliity and the Helper/Helped Relationship. An Historical View in Adobe PDF [29.25 Kb]
Disabled We Stand; Chapter 8, Learning the RoleAuthorSutherland, AllanYear1981Download Disabled We Stand; Chapter 8, Learning the Role in Adobe PDF [87.58 Kb]
Disabled We Stand; Chapter 3, Discrimination 1 : AccessAuthorSutherland, AllanYear1981Download Disabled We Stand; Chapter 3, Discrimination 1 : Access in Adobe PDF [57.02 Kb]
Second Class Disabled - a report on the non-contributory invalidity pension for married womenAuthorLister, R.Loach, I.Year1978Download Second Class Disabled - a report on the non-contributory invalidity pension for married women in Adobe PDF [1.11 Mb]
Foreward and Introduction: Stigma: The Experience of DisabilityAuthorHunt, PaulYear1966Download Foreward and Introduction: Stigma: The Experience of Disability in Adobe PDF [24.38 Kb]